Sunday, January 8, 2012

LC Exercise #7 Part 1: Matt & Kim Concert

Recently, on December 9th, I went to a Matt & Kim concert with a group of five other friends- and of them, I was probably the biggest Matt & Kim fan. Their music doesn’t really fit into a specific genre, but it’s alternative to say the least- tickets were only $30, even though some of their music is on the radio. Matt & Kim songs are just so carefree and happy-go-lucky; their personalities definitely shine through their music. Seeing them live, or even just in their music videos you’d think that they’re like constantly on ecstasy or something- but they are honestly THAT happy.* It’s impossible to listen to their music and not smile; and being in a bad mood: impossible.
After waiting for what seemed like forever at almost the front of the line outside the House of Blues, we went inside- only to wait for forever again. Finally a band I had never heard of before called Mean Creek came on. I wasn’t expecting much from an opening band I didn’t know, but they were incredible! I went home that night and got their album right away because it was so good. We were standing really close to the front a little left from center, and it just made the whole experience so much more intimate. Rather than having to watch the blown up version of the concert on a TV screen next to the stage, you could actually look directly at the band members, make eye contact, really feel like you were singing along with them. Of course I love the music, but the actual experience of the concert is what I’m really there for- to feel a part of it. Let’s just say after my first general admission concert, I never went back. 
Next another opening band, who I had never heard of until I purchased the tickets, came on, and they also surprised me by being amazing. It was a band called Mutemath, and they were just unbelievable. At one point the lead singer crowd surfed, and a few of my friends got to touch him (but my arms were slightly too short to reach!)! They were just so into it, so it was impossible for the crowd to not be into it! I’ll admit I participated in some serious head-banging. 
Next came the bad part. Matt & Kim came on- which you’d think I’d be ecstatic about, but the crowd (which I normally love because I feel a part of something and you can just all go crazy together) got WAY too obnoxious. I didn’t really expect to have that much room, but this was just ridiculous. There was sooo much pushing and squishing, I was so uncomfortable, I couldn’t move by my own will, but the crowd could move me however, and it was just completely unnecessary. I started to get pissed; I was getting pushed down and knocked about and basically stampeded on- it was just out of control. Eventually though I just decided that I couldn’t be mad about it anymore or I’d waste the whole concert being upset, and it worked; as soon as I got into it and didn’t let it bother me, it didn’t, and it became fun. I’m guessing it was the bad mood thing I said earlier; I just physically couldn’t stay unhappy listening to them! Also, the crowd slowly calmed down to a reasonable level, and although still squished, it wasn’t too much to handle. Matt & Kim were fantastic; their energy was untamed and super contagious. Even though their music is incredibly simple- it’s just the two of them playing drums and keyboard- it still sounded amazing and just so much fun! I danced like crazy the entire time; even by just the second song I was covered in a mixture of my own sweat and everyone else’s around me (in a good way though, if that’s possible.). Everyone just went insane, it didn’t matter that you were in public; you just did what ever the music told you to basically! (And that meant for me having a seizure haha.) Matt & Kim’s music is just so upbeat and wonderful that it forces you to let loose. Because the crowd was so rowdy, our group was split up the entire time because you basically floated wherever the crowd pushed you- but that ended up being okay because you’d just go dance with other random strangers! Just the fact that you both liked Matt & Kim made you friends for a little while; you’d have a bond. The night was just so much fun, I can’t even describe it- just awesome. I screamed out the lyrics with the people who wrote them (always my main reason for going to a concert), a few of my friends and other random people- and Kim!- crowd surfed, my friend started a mosh pit (weird for a Matt & Kim concert…), there was confetti at some points (which I’m obsessed with), I literally danced until I couldn’t, Matt and Kim as people are just hilarious and so genuinely nice…. the list could go on forever for why that concert was one of the best.
Their music may not be the absolute most inspiring; people a lot of times find their music annoying actually- but while most artists focus on the deeper, more depressing emotions, Matt & Kim still bring out a ton of emotions, but just tend to only stick to the positive ones! Plain and simple, they just make me happy. 
Music has such an impact on our lives because it connects us and also makes us feel something. Like I described a little earlier, everyone in the crowd could be friends for a bit because we all had something in common, that we loved this music! And why do we love this music? Because of the emotions it brings out in us! For this particular band it of course is happiness and liveliness, but as long as it brings out some sort of emotion- even if it’s the deepest depression!- you love it! Music is capable of forcing people to feel things- people who write music have the most power in the world! It’s impossible to express some things with out music; it’s really a necessary part of life. And if music through headphones makes you feel something, then hearing, and seeing, and experiencing it live is just that much more intense.

Kim dancing on top of the crowd!

Watch that and tell me you’re not it least five times happier!

(Also, just as a side note, my next concert is Jack’s Mannequin- as in Andew McMahon- as in the person I wrote about in exercise #4 who inspires me!!)

1 comment:

  1. Grade: A+) Okay, the song not so much, but the video made me start laughing, in a genuine way. Thanks for the link! Sorry about the "obnoxious" experience of their concert. People tend to become selfish, and make the experience about them. Give them a "hulk slam"!
