Monday, December 12, 2011

LC Exercise #6 Part 2: Just Friends?

I believe that females and males can just be friends without the possibility of it becoming more, although I will admit that this is quite rare. For the most part I actually believe that there is always it least a tiny bit of attraction or flirtation between girls and guys, and that idea of maybe making it into something more is always in the back of people’s mind, even if it’s only a teeny tiny possibility/desire. There are those few people though that aren’t like that, you really truly only see them in that friend light, not because they’re not great, but because you really only think of them as more of a brother or sister. You could like them so much, but the idea of becoming more is almost gross to you! Almost everyone I talked to about it agreed with me; it is definitely possible to for girls and guys to just be friends. On Facebook I posted a poll and 11 out of the 12 people who answered said they could, and most of them justified it the same way: “you just don’t see some people like that”.
Originally he answered that they can be friends, but later slightly changed his answer… “I thought about the question more… It’s not that easy of one to answer if you think of it more… I think that on a macro scale it’s probably true that you can just be friends, but that’s only because other love options are available- I think if you put a male and a female on a deserted island, they’d either fall in love or kill each other!”
“I don’t know… it’s just- you don’t find every guy you’re friends with attractive! You may be good friends with someone, but still never see yourself in a relationship with them or anything.”
“I understand how a lot of times people start going out because they were originally friends, but not everyone you’re friends with is someone you would go out with. I may like a lot of things about a person, but that doesn’t mean necessarily that I’ll start to like them.”
Jacqui was the only person I found who doesn’t think that females and males can only be friends; her point was that if you’re friends with someone, you must like a lot of things about them, and if they’re of the opposite sex, then you’re most likely going to develop feelings for them. “Well I just think that whether or not you’re attracted to someone you become friends with them because you enjoy their company, and then finding more in common and other aspects of them that you like makes them attractive and then… ba-da-bing ba-da-boom: love!”
Raichel had a hard time explaining her point of view, but basically what I think she was trying to get at was that you can’t like everyone enough to want a relationship with them; some people you just like less than others, but you can still be friends. “There are just some guys that you don’t hate but that you would never want something more with!”

1 comment:

  1. Grade: A ) Some good intellectual ammo to use in our class debate on this topic...Looking forward to it.
