Monday, December 12, 2011

LC Exercise #6 Part 1: "F is for Friends Who Do Stuff Together"

1. Purposely get lost in Boston and have to find our way back
2. Go to the movies with a blindfold on and draw what we think the main character looks like afterwards
3. Go “coning” at McDonald’s (order a soft serve cone at the drive through and only take the ice cream not the entire cone)
4. Sleepover in a random place like at Ames Street Playground, Borderland, or one of the sheds for sale at this place in Cobb Corner (not sure how legal this is…)
5. Build our own tree house
6. Go cow tipping!

There are literally so many things that we’ve said we want to do but have never actually done. This is mostly because they’re really weird or hard to do, but some of them actually are pretty doable I realized, so we really needed this to get us to actually go through with it. I decided to try the exercise with my two best friends, Payal and Raichel, and also Jared, Brett, and Eric because we hang out basically every weekend, but never do any of the things we say we want to, and instead just end up just at someone’s house normally. It took us forever to come up with this list, even though we’ve definitely said maybe a million different things that we should try one day- so these are only the few that we could remember. We could definitely do more things like this, just somehow we always end up just hanging out normally because it’s the least effort. Without a doubt though, we will definitely start doing more activities like this because it’s worth the effort, and it’s really fun to switch it up sometimes.
Since a bunch of us finally had our licenses we decided that we just had to go “coning”, so one night we all drove all the way across town to McDonalds only to find that they ran out of ice cream…Of course, the one day we finally decide to try it. So we picked our next favorite on the list to try next time: getting lost in Boston. We took the train in, grabbed a late lunch, and literally just walked around until we found another subway station, got on that not knowing if it was inbound or outbound, got off at a random spot, walked around some more, and then after a while decided it was time to start finding our way back. It was really fun just not caring where we were going, not having a set destination, and just, you know, being kind of stupid and weird. We would try to find strange looking people and force each other to ask them for directions, or just close our eyes and spin in a circle to figure out which way we would go- just like random, funny things. At one point Payal dropped her water bottle accidentally and this random guy walking on the sidewalk screams out “NO!! WHAT A WASTE OF WATER! HOW COULD YOU!?”, just to be obnoxious, and the look on her face was maybe the most hilarious thing I’ve ever seen. Later on the green line a group of drunk- and still drinking (on the subway)- college kids were trying to give us directions, and it was literally so entertaining. It was odd experiences like these that made it worth doing, and just being all together while these things were happening obviously made it even more amusing. Getting back home wasn’t very difficult since we knew the T pretty well, but it was still a fun process just because of the spontaneity.
Not much was really said that I can remember besides Raichel saying, “I’m glad you made us do this, Gabi!” and everyone agreeing, but it was obvious that everyone enjoyed themselves. Everyone also agreed that we should continue to add things to the list, and obviously continue to try and cross things off of it. Before I guess it was sort of laziness that prevented us from doing things like these, but now that we see how much of a success it can be we definitely have a lot more motivation to keep trying them. Instead of just hanging out, sometimes we can do something different and exciting like this.

1 comment:

  1. Grade: A+) Really, I have to say, your list was inspiring and awesome. What great ideas. Sleep in a shed at a place that sells them, not legal but very funny. Thanks for the ideas! Glad you had a fun day with friends.
