Monday, November 28, 2011

LC Exercise #5 Part 1: Well That Was Easy, We're Friends Now

My younger sister Mimi:
(She didn’t really ask me to do much, I just spent more time with her during our normal activities and tried to avoid our normal fighting)
Sunday: Do homework/listen to music together --- actually cooperate for once because I always was okay (“said yes”) to her (mostly horrible) song choices
Monday: Walk home together; Let her borrow some clothes (normally I say no or get really annoyed and give her a hard time about it)
Tuesday: [Her birthday!] Hang out with her and her friend
Wednesday: Watch TV together; Play board game with her and my other sister Lili
Thursday: [Thanksgiving] Hang out all day with her and our cousins; Leave them and go hang out in her room when they start to get annoying
Friday: Clung to her and her friend at a Chinese Exchange goodbye party my mom decided to host; After the party just talk and watch TV together all night --- we told each other so much!
Saturday: (Nothing, we were separate all day)
Sunday: Crazy dancing/music session; Watch a movie together

My sister and I are constantly bugging each other- we don’t get a long very well most of the time. One day we had another one of our normal screaming matches, so then I decided I was going to try this exercise on her because I’m just sick of always fighting and it bothers me when people always ask me why we’re not close. What was great is that I really didn’t have to go out of my way at all really, yet our relationship actually changed so much. We basically just decided that we don’t want to fight anymore.
I really didn’t expect this huge transformation, but on Friday night when we just actually told each other about our lives (before we really didn’t tell each other personal stuff) we became so much closer. I trust her more now, we understand each other better, and we both don’t want to constantly be clashing over dumb things anymore. The rest of the week was fairly normal, but still helpful as well; we barely fought, we share better, and now we’re able to tell each other things. It’s not like our relationship was horrible before, I guess the fighting was fairly normal, but we were just really distant, so it’s nice that I feel I can confide in her now. Mimi also feels the same way, as she told me how she also likes being able to tell me things and that she too does not want to argue anymore. She told me, “Rachel (her best friend) and Liz (her best friend’s older sister) are so close and I just always wished we had that! We just need to like stop freaking out at each other over stupid stuff!”.
My week didn’t necessarily change that much; it was mostly over break so I had a lot of extra time. Normally though on school weeks the only time we really see is each other is when we do homework in the same room because we both have really crazy schedules. I think now though we’ll spend less time fighting and we’ll also be able to hang out with each other’s friends more. The time we spent together that week was definitely well spent, even though a lot of it was just chilling out (maybe if I told her about the exercise beforehand we would have done more?). She really is one of the few people I can truly be completely myself around (we literally are so weird together), so it’s great that we have more of the running around/being crazy/laughing times instead of the pissing-me-off times!

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