Monday, November 7, 2011

LC Exercise #4 Part 2: Andrew McMake-a-Difference

Andrew McMahon originally inspired me simply because of his amazing music. Then one day I found out he had just gotten over cancer, which made him even more of a hero to me and gave his music an even deeper meaning. Andrew McMahon created the bands Something Corporate and Jack’s Mannequin, which has been one of my favorite bands ever since I got their first album. Their music is just so important to me in a way I can’t even understand. Andrew’s lyrics are truly amazing, and are able to evoke so much emotion from so many people. He also had/has so much drive, working hard to make his high school band take off, and then abandoning it when he was ready to become a more serious musician. No matter what happened, he kept writing songs and making music. When Andrew was 22 years old he was suddenly diagnosed with leukemia, which was incredibly ironic because he had named the band after his friend’s younger brother who had childhood leukemia, and he also wrote many songs referencing hospitals, doctors, and sickness before he knew he had the disease. His uncle also died of cancer, and his family swears his uncle’s talent was somehow transferred to him. When I saw his documentary about his journey battling cancer I was shocked by how positive he tried to stay, being able to joke about it and just trying to get through it in best way possible when he knew his chances of living were so low. He even contracted pneumonia, which is the killer of most cancer patients, and later got shingles, but he worked through all of it. To be so hopeful when he was so close to death is an incredible thing. Even after watching his movie about it I still couldn’t imagine what it must have been like for him, what it must be like for so many cancer patients out there. He also started the Dear Jack Foundation which works with other organizations for research, financial aid to families, and helping people cope with the disease. He’s not only creative and sincere and honest in his music, but he also survived cancer and continued to do what he loved. What makes Andrew McMahon one of my heroes was his ability to overcome, his strength, but also his acceptance of his vulnerability, his humility, his passion for what he does, how down to earth he is, his bravery, the way he was able to channel all his emotions into such amazing music, just who is he. Before I was just a fan, but I truly look up to him. I have never had leukemia, I’ve never had to go through anything even close to that, but I hope if I ever have to that I will react the same way he did.
My story is extremely boring compared to his; I’m still sort of figuring out what my strengths are and what I want to do exactly. Although our goals are very different, Andrew McMahon showed me that you don’t need to be anyone particularly special to make a difference- he’s not exceptionally virtuous or anything, he just did what he had to do with the circumstances he was in, and just by doing what he loved to do he helped people in some way. Like him, just by doing what I love, traveling, I can help people and have a lasting impact. Although I am still very unclear in what exactly I will be doing in this field, I know that I want to work for a non-profit organization in a foreign country, where I get to both live in different places and help people in need. Already I feel I am capable of so much because I have the passion and motivation. Once I start something, I go full out, not allowing failure, and always forcing myself to finish what I started. Also, I feel that just having this drive to do something will get me anywhere; I just have to initiate it. Somehow I will either save lives or improve lives where there is need simply because I want to. I’m creative, so I can come up with new ideas and solutions and different ways of doing things, and I am always ready to and love to learn, which will help me achieve any goal I make for myself. Although my bravery has not been put to the test like Andrew McMahon’s was and my dream is very different from his, I still relate to him because of his fervor, dedication, and enthusiasm for what he does, which I believe are the key ingredients for making a difference.

Suggested Watching/Listening:
Dear Jack (the movie, you can find it on and the song “Swim” (don’t watch the music video, it kills it!) (…and obviously every other song he’s ever written.)

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