Thursday, October 20, 2011

LC Exercise #3 Part 2: 75 Simple Pleasures

1.      Listening to music (LOUDLY)
2.      Singing
3.      Driving with the windows down and music blaring
4.      Sitting in the car with headphones and listening to all the songs that give you chills and just watching everything pass by in the window
5.      Cat naps
6.      Wearing my pink, fluffy robe
7.      Cuddling
8.      Walking barefoot outside
9.      Walking on the beach
10.  Getting buried in the sand at the beach
11.  Sand massages
12.  Feeling the warmth of the sun when I’m chilly
13.  Getting knocked down by waves
14.  Just floating underwater listening to the quiet
15.  Chocolate (and that first sip of water afterwards)
16.  Eating with chopsticks
17.  Eating yogurt by only dunking the spoon in, NOT scooping
18.  A night in watching a movie with my sister
19.  Watching a HAPPY movie with my mom and crying our eyes out together
20.  Venting to my mom
21.  Hugging my youngest sister until she finally breaks free
22.  The smell of paint
23.  The smell of a lawnmower
24.  The smell of an ice cream shop
25.  Long showers where you can just think
26.  Singing in the shower
27.  Showers in the rain
28.  Watching the lightning from my bedroom window during a summer storm (and the smell of it!)
29.  Talking about the news with my dad
30.  Just talking about our next family vacation
31.  Talking with my sister in a Russian accent (just being weird together)
32.  Dancing crazily to annoy my sisters until they join me
33.  Laughing until I cry
34.  Having a good cry with my two best friends
35.  Comfortable silence with my two best friends
36.  Pigging out and not feeling guilty with my two best friends
37.  Playing this game where every time you eat something (a Tostitos chip or a scoop of ice cream, etc.) you have to say something that’s been on your mind- absolutely anything!
38.  Attempting to pull all-nighters when we know we shouldn’t
39.  Getting in that state where EVERYTHING is funny
40.  Being in a situation that is so ridiculous and awful that you’re able to laugh about it right then, not later
41.  Making “to-do lists” and checking things off
42.  Cleaning my room every Sunday with music blasting
43.  Finding money or something I lost a long time ago that I forgot about in random places
44.  Lying in my UNMADE bed
45.  Playing soccer and getting in that state when you don’t even realize you’re running anymore and you don’t get tired (FLOW)
46.  Taking a hike and being the only ones on the trail
47.  Running through a field
48.  The perfect summer night
49.  Lying on the grass
50.  Lying in a hammock
51.  Falling asleep outside
52.  Cloud watching
53.  Stargazing
54.  Skinny dipping
55.  Being in a city (especially at night!)
56.  People watching
57.  Getting lost in the middle of nowhere
58.  Taking a walk as a slight breeze blows the colorful leaves around in the fall
59.  The first snow
60.  Just being outside (BIOPHELIA)
61.  Reminiscing about good times with friends
62.  Looking through scrapbooks
63.  Thinking about the future
64.  When the kids I babysit finally go to sleep
65.  When the kids I babysit try to have an adult conversation with me
66.  Acting like a kid with the kids I babysit
67.  Hearing a great song for the first time and NEEDING to know what it is
68.  Live music (the whole experience of it; dancing in a crowd, the energy, being in the same room and singing with someone you greatly admire, etc.!)
69.  Packing for a trip
70.  Being in an airport
71.  Having someone laugh at you because you’re a tourist
72.  Checking things off my bucket list
73.  Having that little revelation where I’m like “I’m happy”
74.  Making someone else smile
75.  ACTUALLY being funny
*(bold=completed that day)

This definitely brightened my day! Trying to do as many as possible was really fun, although some of my simple pleasures were a little rushed. I enjoyed all of the ones I was able to fit into my day, but a few of them, such as taking a walk or listening to music, require more time (I like spending almost entire days just blasting music haha). Despite this, I thoroughly enjoyed this exercise. Everything just brought that sensation of “mmm.. this is nice.. I really like this..”- and it was even nicer actually recognizing that feeling and fully appreciating it. I realized there were definitely some common themes here: music, which I knew already; being outside, which I don’t get to do nearly enough; and being with my family and friends, but also having some me time. This exercise definitely goes a long with many aspects of happiness and how to achieve it, but mostly it was just about appreciating the little things, and it worked.

1 comment:

  1. A great list, see comments under your first part of exercise #3...
